How to get people to sell themselves into your high-ticket coaching offers. This means you are basically building demand for what you do Fabi Paolini brand strategy

How to get people to sell themselves into your high-ticket coaching offers

How to get people to sell themselves into your high-ticket coaching offer



In the competitive world of high-ticket coaching and consulting, one of the most challenging aspects is converting leads into clients. Many coaches spend hours on sales calls, trying to convince prospects to buy, only to face objections and low conversion rates. But what if there was a way to make people eager to work with you even before you pitch your offer? Let's dive into a proven strategy that can transform your sales process and make your services irresistible.

The truth is that many coaches rely on fast action discounts, bonuses, and long sales calls where you need to give a TON of context in order to create urgency and close sales. However, these tactics often fall short. The real game-changer is following something I like to call Need to Have Formula, a strategy that allows you to pre-sell your solution by shifting your focus from selling calls to selling a bigger, more compelling idea.

When I first started, I spent countless hours on sales calls, holding back information on pricing and processes. This led to common objections: "It's too expensive," "I can't afford it," "It's not the right time." It was frustrating. My obsession with messaging led me to discover the Need to Have Formula. By focusing on selling a big idea rather than just a call, our conversions skyrocketed.

Let's dive into the different parts of this process.

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Shifting from Calls to Big Ideas

Traditional sales approaches often focus on getting people on calls. Instead, shift your messaging to sell a grander vision—what I call your Angle of Mastery. This means selling an idea that's more significant than any single process or framework. When your message shifts from "book a call" to "embrace this transformative concept," it resonates on a deeper level.

I recently had a 15-minute brand message assessment with a new lead. She found me through ads, watched a webinar, and booked a call within 30 minutes. By the end of our short session, she was ready to become a high-ticket client. This happened because my content and interactions were intentionally structured to pre-sell the solution.

You want to make sure that your entire message is really focused on selling this big idea

I dive into the details of how to do this in my secret podcast series 'The Need-To-Have Formula' enter your name and email below for instant access.

Speaking to Buyers

For this process to work, it's crucial to speak to people who are ready to solve their problems and invest in a solution. Your content should be crafted to attract these premium buyers. This means understanding their level of problem awareness and ensuring your message aligns with their needs and readiness to act.

You need to understand that your audience has a unique way of viewing the problem right now and your communication has to match their own level of awareness.

Think of your message as a magnet. It should repel those who aren't ready to buy and attract those who are eager for a solution. By clearly communicating your unique perspective, you ensure that only serious, ready-to-invest clients are drawn to you.

I talk more about speaking to buyers here.

Premium buyers aren’t interested in basic, generic solutions. They’re looking for something unique, something that sets you apart from everyone else in the market. They want to know that you understand their problems deeply and have a unique, effective solution. When you can articulate this clearly, you start attracting the right people—those who are ready to take action.

To attract these buyers, you need to:

  1. Identify Their Pain Points: Understand the specific challenges and pain points your premium buyers face. Go beyond surface-level problems and delve into the deeper issues that keep them up at night. This requires active listening and engaging with your audience through surveys, interviews, and social media interactions.

    Example: Suppose your target audience consists of high-level executives who struggle with influencing company culture. Their surface-level problem might be low employee engagement, but the deeper issue could be their lack of advanced psychological influencing strategies. By addressing these deeper concerns, you speak directly to their most pressing needs.

  2. Showcase Your Expertise: Demonstrate your expertise through valuable content that addresses these pain points. Share success stories, case studies, and testimonials that highlight how you've helped others overcome similar challenges. This not only builds trust but also positions you as the go-to expert in your field.

    Example: Share a case study about a high-level executive who transformed their company's culture by implementing your advanced psychological strategies. Highlight the tangible results they achieved, such as increased employee engagement and productivity. This showcases your expertise and the real-world impact of your solutions.

  3. Use Language that Resonates: Tailor your messaging to resonate with your ideal clients. Use language that speaks to their aspirations, values, and the specific outcomes they desire. Avoid generic statements and focus on how your solution can lead to transformative results.

    Example: Instead of saying, "I help executives improve their leadership skills," say, "I empower executives to become influential leaders who can transform company culture and drive unprecedented growth." This language is more compelling and speaks directly to the high-stakes goals of your premium buyers.

  4. Create a Sense of Urgency: Emphasize the urgency of solving their problems and the unique value of your solution. Help them understand the cost of inaction and the benefits of taking immediate steps to address their challenges.

    Example: Highlight the consequences of not addressing low employee engagement, such as high turnover rates and decreased productivity. Then, present your solution as the timely and effective answer to prevent these negative outcomes.

When you consistently apply these principles in your marketing efforts, you create a powerful magnet that attracts premium buyers who are ready and willing to invest in your high-ticket services. They see you as the expert who understands their unique challenges and has the precise solution they need, making them eager to take the next step with you.

Connect the Dots Between Problems and Solutions

To effectively pre-sell your offer, you must connect the dots between what your audience perceives as their problem and what you identify as the root cause. This involves educating your audience on why their current solutions aren't working and presenting your unique approach as the missing link.
During my Breakthrough Brand coaching sessions, I help clients articulate the root cause of their audience's problems and bridge the gap with their unique solutions. This clarity transforms how prospects perceive the value of your offer, making them see it as essential.

Here’s the thing: your audience is already taking steps to solve their problems, but they’re not getting the results they want. Why? Because they haven’t identified the real root cause. This is where you come in. By clearly explaining the true cause and showing how your unique solution addresses it, you position yourself as the indispensable answer to their struggles.

First, it’s crucial to understand your audience’s current perception of their problem. In my case, for example, they might think their issue is a lack of leads, inefficient marketing strategies, or inadequate sales skills. They’ve likely tried various methods to solve these perceived problems, such as increasing their social media presence, investing in different marketing courses, or hiring sales coaches. Despite these efforts, they’re not seeing the desired results.

Next, you need to articulate the root cause of their problem from your perspective. Explain why their current strategies aren’t working and what the actual issue is. In this case, the root cause might be that their message lacks clarity, doesn’t address the core needs of their audience, or fails to differentiate them from their competitors. They might be focusing too much on the features of their service rather than the transformative outcomes they provide.

Finally, present your unique solution as the bridge between their current struggles and their desired outcomes. This is where your Angle of Mastery comes into play. Show them how your approach is different and why it’s the key to solving their problem.

When you can clearly connect the dots between what your audience thinks their problem is, the actual root cause, and how your unique solution addresses this, you create a compelling narrative that makes your offer irresistible. Your prospects will see you as the expert who truly understands their challenges and has the precise solution they need, making them eager to work with you.

By consistently applying this approach in your content, whether it’s in webinars, emails, or social media posts, you’ll start attracting more qualified leads who are ready to invest in your high-ticket services. This is the essence of turning your offer from a nice-to-have into a must-have.

Some final thoughts:

Every piece of content you create—whether a podcast, webinar, email, or landing page—should be designed with intentionality. Your messaging should consistently reinforce the need for your solution and demonstrate how it addresses the core issues your audience faces.

Don’t just wing it. Be strategic in your content creation. For example, my 20-minute webinar on attracting ready-to-invest clients is meticulously structured to build demand and lead to conversions. This intentional approach ensures that by the time prospects reach out, they are already primed to buy.

Think about the last piece of content you created. Did it have a clear purpose? Did it guide your audience toward seeing the necessity of your offer? Every interaction you have with your audience should build towards this goal. When you create content with this level of intentionality, you move your audience step by step closer to the decision to work with you.

By adopting the Need to Have Formula, you can turn your offer from a nice-to-have into a must-have. Focus on selling big ideas, speaking to actual buyers, connecting the dots between problems and solutions, and structuring your content with intentionality. This strategy will not only improve your conversion rates but also empower you to attract clients who are truly excited to work with you.