How to explain what you do when you're an expert that knows too much. How to say it in a way your audience understands Fabi Paolini Brand Strategy High-ticket coaching

How To Explain What You Do As An Expert That Knows Too Much

How to turn your high-ticket message into marketing that sells



Ever feel like you're speaking a different language than your potential clients? You know you've got deep, impactful insights to share, but when it comes to explaining what you do, things get a bit... murky.

You might either dumb things down too much or swing the other way, packing in so much jargon that your clients need a dictionary just to get through your homepage. In this article, we're diving into how you can strike that perfect balance in your messaging, ensuring you communicate the incredible value of your coaching in a way that's both clear and compelling.

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The Fine Line Between Simplifying and Oversimplifying

It's like walking a tightrope, isn't it? On one side, you've got the abyss of "too simple," where everything sounds so vanilla that it loses all flavor. "Improve your life," "increase your sales"—phrases so broad they could mean anything to anyone!

But here’s the kicker: when you oversimplify, you strip away the uniqueness of your approach. On the flip side, there's the trap of complexity where you end up sounding like a textbook. The key? Find your sweet spot. It’s about not leaving out the essence of what makes your coaching special while still keeping things digestible for your audience.

Navigating the communication waters as a high-ticket coach often means finding the perfect balance between being clear and being impactful. It's all about avoiding the extremes—too simple or too complex—which can either dilute your message or obscure it in jargon. Let’s break down how you can achieve this balance effectively:

    • Understand Your Audience’s Starting Point: Before you can simplify effectively, you need to truly understand where your audience is coming from. What do they already know? What are their misconceptions? This knowledge helps you tailor your message without losing depth or resorting to oversimplification.

    • Communicate the Essence, Not Just the Basics: It’s easy to fall into the trap of diluting your message to generic statements like "boost your productivity" or "enhance your leadership skills." Instead, focus on conveying the essence of what makes your method unique. For example, instead of saying "I help you work smarter," you might say, "I help professionals in high-stress careers, transform pressure into productivity."

    • Use Analogies and Metaphors: These are powerful tools that can help bridge complex ideas into understandable and relatable terms. For instance, if you're teaching complex financial concepts, compare them to everyday tasks like grocery shopping or planning a vacation, which can help demystify the topics and make them more accessible.

    • Highlight the Transformation: Instead of focusing solely on the processes, emphasize the transformation. Describe what changes after someone engages with your coaching. For example, "My clients move from feeling overwhelmed and undervalued to mastering assertive communication and negotiating techniques that see them leading their teams and projects with confidence."

    • Avoid Jargon: While industry-specific terms can showcase your expertise, they can also alienate those not familiar with the lingo. When you do use technical terms, quickly define them in layman’s terms. This practice ensures you maintain your professional integrity without losing your audience’s interest.

    • Iterative Feedback: Keep the lines of communication open with your audience. Solicit feedback about what resonates and what confuses them. Use this feedback to refine your message continuously. This iterative process not only enhances clarity but also deepens your connection with your audience, showing that you value their input and understand their needs.

Carving Out Your Unique Angle of Mastery

Understanding the root cause of your audience's problem is crucial for effective messaging. Often, your audience may not fully grasp what is holding them back, but you, as an expert, need to articulate this clearly.

  • Clarify the Real Issue: Dig deeper into the problem to find the underlying cause.
  • Communicate the Root Cause: Explain it in a way that resonates with your audience, making them realize the true nature of their challenge.

One of my clients, Sarah, was a life coach who advertised her services with statements like "I help you live your best life." While positive, this message was too broad to attract her ideal clients. We worked together to refine her message to address the root cause of her audience’s problems more specifically.

  • Original Message: "I help you live your best life."
  • Revised Message: "I help mid-career professionals overcome burnout and rediscover their passion for work through personalized stress management techniques."

By specifying her target audience and the exact problem she solves, Sarah’s messaging became more compelling and effective. Her client inquiries increased significantly, and she was able to attract more high-ticket clients who resonated with her focused approach.

Clearly Conveying Your Angle of Mastery

Your "Angle of Mastery" is what sets you apart in a crowded coaching market. It's more than just a unique selling proposition; it's the embodiment of your deepest expertise and your most impactful coaching outcomes.

To define this angle, start by reflecting on what aspects of your coaching have consistently delivered transformational results. What methodologies or philosophies do you use that others don’t? How do these contribute to the specific, extraordinary changes your clients experience? This self-reflection is crucial in pinpointing the unique blend of skills and insights that define your coaching style.

Articulating Your Expertise Once you’ve identified your unique angle, the next step is to articulate it clearly and compellingly. This involves more than just stating what you do; it requires you to connect your methods to the outcomes they achieve. For instance, if your coaching helps high-performing executives manage burnout, don’t just mention your techniques (like mindfulness or strategic planning). Explain how these techniques specifically address the nuances of high-pressure careers, preventing burnout and promoting sustained high performance. This connection makes your offer not just understandable but desirable.

Communicating with Clarity and Impact Communicating your Angle of Mastery effectively means translating your deep knowledge into language that resonates with your target audience. Avoid industry jargon or overly complex explanations that might obscure your message. Instead, use vivid, relatable language that paints a clear picture of the benefits and transformations your coaching provides. For example, instead of saying "I optimize team dynamics," explain how you transform dysfunctional teams into cohesive units that exceed their performance goals through enhanced communication and empathy training.

I dive into the details of how to do this in my secret podcast series 'The Need-To-Have Formula' enter your name and email below for instant access.

Building and Nurturing Relationships Through Your Message

The cornerstone of any successful coaching practice is the trust you build with your audience. This doesn't happen overnight but is cultivated through consistent, meaningful engagement. As a coach, your goal is to become a reliable resource, someone your audience turns to when they face challenges that your coaching addresses. Regular interaction through various channels—be it email newsletters, social media posts, or interactive webinars—helps establish this trust. Each point of contact should provide value, whether it’s a tip, an insight, or an answer to a common question, making your audience feel cared for and understood.

Educational Content as a Relationship Builder

One effective way to nurture relationships is through educational content that addresses specific needs or pain points of your potential clients. For example, if you specialize in productivity coaching, you might create a series of blog posts or videos that tackle common efficiency blockers in the workplace. By providing actionable advice and demonstrating your expertise, you not only help your audience in a tangible way but also solidify your role as an expert in your field. This content should not only inform but also inspire your audience to think differently about their problems and see you as the key to their solution.

Personalization in Communication

As your relationship with your audience deepens, personalization becomes key. Use what you know about your audience to tailor your messages. This could be as simple as segmenting your email list based on interest areas and sending targeted content that resonates with each segment. For instance, you might send different advice to new managers than you would to seasoned executives. Personalization shows that you understand and appreciate the unique journeys of your audience members, enhancing their connection with you and your brand.

Some final thoughts:

In the realm of high-ticket coaching, mastering the art of communication is as vital as the coaching itself. Your ability to articulate the unique value you provide—without oversimplifying your depth or overwhelming your potential clients with complexity—is crucial for setting the stage for meaningful engagements. By defining your Angle of Mastery, you not only illuminate your unique approach but also ensure that your message resonates deeply and precisely with those who stand to benefit the most.

However, establishing a compelling message is just the beginning. The true essence of high-ticket coaching lies in the relationships you nurture over time. Each interaction is an opportunity to reinforce trust, demonstrate your commitment, and solidify your reputation as a transformative force within your niche. Engaging with your audience through personalized, value-driven content, and responsive communication fosters a community of clients who feel understood, supported, and eager to embark on their transformation journey with you.

As you move forward, remember that your success as a coach isn't measured solely by the clients you convert but by the genuine connections you cultivate and the real changes you facilitate in their lives. Continue to refine your messaging, enrich your engagements, and deepen your relationships. Embrace the ongoing journey of learning and adaptation, always aiming to better serve your audience and enhance your impact.

Let this guide be your stepping stone towards more profound, impactful, and successful coaching relationships. Stand out in the saturated market by being not just a coach but a beacon of change and clarity. Keep pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve with your words and actions, and watch as you and your clients grow together in this dynamic and rewarding profession.

Ready to transform your messaging? Book a free 15-minute brand message assessment with me today and start attracting the clients you deserve. Together, we’ll make your vision a reality.