creating powerful content that converts
Content. It’s the lifeblood of your business. I have learned that there’s nothing more powerful than GREAT content. In my experience, content allows you to really showcase your differences to everyone out there. It shows your audience you know what you are talking about and it allows you to make real rock-solid connections.
At the end of the day, your job as an entrepreneur is all about creating value. Value in the work that you do with your clients and value in what you are giving away, for free, to the rest of the world.
So, if content is so powerful, why is it so hard to transform that content into results? Because if you are putting out a massive amount of content out there and that isn’t translating into you getting more clients into your business, well, it means something is off.
I have been focused on generating powerful pieces of content from day 1 of my business. For me, it’s about making sure my voice and my story are heard. I want people to connect with me on a different level and for them to feel like I get who they are. Here’s the thing, there’s nothing that builds credibility more in this world than certainty. Certainty in yourself, in your offer and in the transformation that you are capable of bringing to others. And sometimes that certainty is built by you repeating it over and over through the pieces of content you create.
In this article, we’re going to cover the keys to generating content that converts and that helps you build your certainty and credibility while positioning you as an authority. Make sure you download this guide that covers how to build your audience and bring in more clients. This guide also has a list of the different types of pieces of content which you can use. It’s REALLY good!
What do you mean by content?
Okay, first things first: what do you mean by content?
The old way of doing things and growing your business USED to be based on word-of-mouth. You wanted to bring in as many referrals as possible through your warm leads and clients. Referrals are amazing because they are most likely ready to buy from you as soon as you get on the phone with them. However, the truth is that referrals aren’t scalable. If you want to scale your business, you need marketing strategies and tactics that are bigger, more global, and essentially, online.
That’s where content comes in. Content is your chance to showcase your expertise and how you can help other people. Ideally, if the content is really good, you don’t have to chase after friends, colleagues or family in order to bring people in. Your content - meaning, the pieces of work you put out there, should do a great job of attracting the right people to your business on their own.
So when I talk about content, I mean blog posts, articles, videos, emails, social media posts, webinars, guides, workbooks, case studies, checklists, workshops and, essentially everything you can do to show your worth.
What do you do need to know to create great content?
In order to create great content, there are 2 fundamental things you need to understand. First, you have to know what it is that you do differently than everyone else out there. What are the differentiating factors to your brand and what is the point of view that you can bring to the table? If you are sharing your content and stories in a way that basically is boring or just like everyone else’s. It means you aren’t doing such a great job at standing out - and inevitably, you will get lost in the crowd.
So content starts with solving a branding problem: who are you, what do you stand for and why you?
Second, content comes from you knowing what your audience needs. You don’t want to create pieces of content that are completely random and add zero value, but instead, you want to create things that are transformational and that have the capacity to convert people into clients. So, again, content comes from solving ANOTHER branding problem which revolves around clarity in your audience and what their needs are.
So let’s talk about the 5 keys your content needs to have in order to convert:
key #1: make them see they have a problem
When speaking to your audience, you have to assume that not everyone realizes that they have a problem, and your job is to educate them and make them notice how much they actually need help. Now - one thing though, this doesn’t mean that you are going to try to convince people that have zero interest in the service you happen to offer that they HAVE to hire you. It DOES mean that you want to illustrate that the problem they have been having is a consequence of them NOT solving what you do.
When I create content - especially the BIG pieces of content which I know are fundamental for my business - I make sure I make it super clear that the problem that they have a problem that is important to fix. I have to assume that not everyone realizes that the reason why they aren’t making sales, attracting enough clients or positioning themselves as authorities, is because their branding (both visually and verbally) is off. I have to then educate my audience that if they want to make more impact and money, they have to be GREAT at differentiating themselves so that they become the no-brainer option. They have to have an outstanding offer that sells, they need to have a brand that attracts and instills confidence, and a marketing strategy that brings clients in on autopilot. And then, I have to educate them and let them know that I do ALL of those things for them.
So you want to think about what assumptions you are making around your audience. What are the things that you think they know - that they actually DON’T know and how can you teach them to solve that problem.
For example, with my client Christine Fox, a Transformational Fitness Coach, when we worked on her marketing strategy and content, we created a 3-day boot camp that started with getting women to understand that eating right and working out aren’t the only way to lose weight and that’s why bringing mindset in will make a massive difference.
key #2: show them you have the solution
The second key to creating content that converts is ensuring that your audience sees that you have the solution. Meaning, you have the answer to what they need to do. The way that you do this is by building up your credibility and generating more certainty.
If you have case studies, you want to bring them in as a way to show your expertise. For example, in my email sequence, I send out about 10 emails showing my audience different case studies, testimonials and powerful success stories from clients I have worked with over the years. This immediately shoots up my credibility and makes people curious to find out more.
However, if you DON’T have testimonials because you are just starting out, you build your credibility by creating certainty, and you create certainty by showing people that you truly understand their situation. You want to describe the situation and problem that they have even better than they can. This is why really getting to know your audience is fundamental for you to build real success.
Showcasing your plain domain on the topic you are discussing is also a really powerful way to bring people in to understand the value that you are bringing to the table and how their lives/businesses/relationships/health will improve because they have you.
key #3: overcome objections
One of the most important keys to generating content that converts is making sure you are overcoming the common objections, excuses, and beliefs that are keeping people from taking action.
You want to move away from only sharing information and into creating a real transformation. Meaning you want people to shift their beliefs around what is possible for them. A lot of times, people don’t buy because they don’t believe that the results that you are offering are possible for them. So it’s your job to show them that this isn’t true.
You want to get clear around the beliefs that they have around your work. In my case, I show examples of clients that have been able to build multiple 6 figures and massive success in all sort of different fields and places. Some of my clients were just starting out without a clue around what to do. Others had been around for little longer. Some of them felt confident about themselves. Others had a ton of self-doubt. And yet, they knocked it out of the park.
The better you are at understanding those beliefs, the better your content will be at breaking them down. For example, a lot of my audience believes that they aren’t ready to build success. That they need something else - a new credential, more clients, a bigger list or more experience. None of this is true. You can find out more about breaking those beliefs down in this masterclass where I talk about positioning yourself as an authority even if you are starting out and don’t believe you are an authority.
key #4: creating a sense of urgency
This is also extremely important in terms of creating content that converts. It’s not enough to share a valuable piece of information, you want to make sure that it is completely clear that they need to take action fast or else they will lose their chance of moving forward. You want to make it extremely clear to your audience that waiting is costing them more than investing in themselves.
So, for me, it’s SUPER clear how the cost of opportunity or LITERALLY the cost of investing in coaches and programs that have no real substance can be extremely painful for my audience. Also, I have to say - I KNOW what it’s like to feel that horrible frustration of you not moving forward, you not making money and not getting results.
It’s extremely crappy to feel stuck in your business wanting to charge more and seeing your bank account essentially get smaller while you toss and turn thinking about what you are going to do. So yeah, I would say that the sense of urgency that my audience has is pretty big - and if they don’t do something to solve it, it’s definitely going to cost them a lot more than staying where they are at.
Where will your audience be in 5 years if they don’t do something right now? Where will they be in the next 6 months if they don’t take action? Your job is to create a real sense of urgency. Of course, I don’t mean those fake countdown clocks that never get to zero - but the urgency of not making a change in your life.
key #5: getting them to take action
Believe it or not, this is one of those things that people often forget when they are putting content out there. Do you want to make sales? Umm, yeah, you actually have to invite people to buy. Yet for some reason, a lot of the content entrepreneurs put out there has no call to action. There are essentially 4 types of call to action:
- Find out more: Invites them to download more information or read more about what you are offering
- Book a call: Get on the phone to find out if they are the right fit or simply to make a sale
- Buy now: Literally inviting people to buy your product/service
- Engage: Asking them to comment, share, or message you
No matter what you do, EVERY SINGLE piece of content you put out there simply HAS to have a call to action that will eventually lead people into sales. The real secret to creating content that sells is to ACTUALLY MAKE THE SALE - as in, offer what it is that you do or take people to the next step which will - ideally - result in you making a sale. Pretty obvious, but unfortunately, it’s TOTALLY forgotten.
If you want to find out how the different types of pieces of content which you can create and how to grow your audience in order to bring in more sales and clients, make sure you download this guide right here that shows you the step-by-step to make it happen.
So go on, continue to create powerful content that sells making sure you take into account the keys and secrets we talked about right here.